This will allow your mod to maintain compatibility when the main mod is updated, since they are likely to change/add existing traits You can just make a new file (i.e bloodlines_traits.gfx) and in it put only your new traits. By the way, you don't need to copy the entire traits gfx file in the Interface folder.'A Game of Thrones' is a user modification for Crusader Kings II not affiliated in anyway with Paradox Interactive or the rights holders to 'Game of Thrones' and 'A Song of Ice and Fire' More Bloodlines - Crusader Kings II Wik Having a Bloodline in your character will convey a bonus based on who founded it, and there are many different Bloodlines to be found (and Founded). They symbolize the widespread renown a certain character might have, and the staying power of stories surrounding their feats. Bloodlines are modifiers that are passed down the generations from one specific character, the Founder - they work much like a dynasty, but with several more rules and caveats.Just change the name of: name = GFX_bloodlines_symbol_XX texturefile = gfx \\ interface \\ bloodlines \\ bloodlines_symbol_xx.dd If it is very complicated, you can use the codes already created in my mod. In blood lines (.gfx): the symbol code must be added. - In Mod \ interface: Within this folder, you must search the file's bloodlines (.gfx).Makes More Bloodlines and Faces Modification Compatible for AGOT and MO 2.2.Note: This is a AGOT-submod the vanilla Version of the mod can be found here: Forge Unlimited Bloodlines This mod allows you to forge a new Bloodline, even if you alreday own a creadted bloodline, as long as you are not already the founder of a bloodline. The Bloodlines: - Stark - Greyjoy - Tully - Arryn - Lannister - Targaryen - Tyrell - Gardener - Baratheon - Durrandon - Martell - Divin If you do not possess a bloodline you can found your own divine bloodline. You inherit the trait of your parent's dynastys. This is a sub-mod which adds bloodlines to the major houses of Westeros and the extinct ones.More Bloodlines is a mod for Crusader Kings II to add more bloodlines to game Bloodlines.The link goes to rufff1's post with the Dropbox link and changelog.
Rufff1 and his team have just released an update to More Bloodlines. Home Ck2 AGOT more bloodlines AGOT More Bloodlines 2